As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God. -Psalm 42:1 NKJV

When the Psalmist wrote Psalm 42:1, he wasn’t just talking about a casual thirst.

He was talking about a life or death thirst.

Often, when a deer passes from illness, it will be found near streams. This is from a desperate thirst, seeking to reduce fever or even hemorrhaging brought on by the bites of small infected midges.

And that’s how our lives as humans are. Dependent on God, seeking His healing in our most desperate times.

But we need Him always.

Psalm 42 ministry is a result of that reminder as we are surrounded by these amazing animals. Everything about a deer’s nature requires you to be calm, or it is likely to scare and run away.

It’s easy in today’s world to to be so busy! But there is peace in calm and stillness. “Be still, and know that I am God” is even told to us in Psalm 46:10 (NKJV).


Our facilities can accommodate 11-13 adults for small group non-hunting retreats. Please reach out to us for details and to discuss your needs. We have several spaces for small group discussions and a full kitchen in our Alabama Hunting Lodge. We can also arrange for time spent in the hunting blinds viewing the deer and other interactions across our beautiful property.